How to create a website quickly?

Why some websites are created in a day, others in a week, and some are taking months and months?

It all depends on a customer`s attitude to his future website. That`s why we will explain a few steps you need to take in order to get what you want as fast as possible.

Why do you need a website? Think it through.
Tell about yourself and your products — it`s the easiest. Perhaps, you want to take orders through the internet. Perhaps you have products to sell in a e-shop. Perhaps it will be files archive. All of this is very important in order to understand the structure of your website.

Put your website idea in one phrase
There is always an idea, you just have to express it on your website.

Now describe your website`s appearance with a few words
Example: Simple, expensive, friendly, formal, glamorous, bright ...

If you have a logo, company colours, or the whole theme of your company - share it.

Take your time to create a good content (Or ask our content managers to do it)
Collect all the information you want to display on your website in one document (file). It will be harder to work, if you know what you want, but do not have the actual information in writing.

From all the above information we can already offer you a skeleton of the website.

Try to avoid the "Leave it for now, fix it later" situation. In this case, job will never be done, trust our expierience. You will have an illusion that something is being done, and we will think that we will have all the required information in a little time, so we can finish the job. You can stay in this psychological trap for months. The website is almost ready, it is also almost absent. In our expierience, a website is created really fast, when all the information that is ought to be posted on it is given to us at once and in one package.

Listen to our advices
We have been in a business for a while, and we can advise you, how to do it right. Sometimes you will just have to trust us, because we see your information already the way all the users of your website will be seeing it .

And when we show you a design for your website, take a minute to think it over, before rejecting it.

Other job features
We try not to give you three variations to choose from : we dont want to waste our time and your money on something useless. We prefer to work step by step, show this progress to you, get your approval or hear your comments, then adjust and move to the next stage, and so on, untill we reach a result that you want. Usually a customer does not exactly know what he wants, that is why he needs to see something, and then approve or dissapprove. This way a customer comes to understanding what he wants. And seeing multiple variations will only be confusing.

This is a very important moment, and not everyone understands it. A design that we offer, we consider suitable for your website. If you disagree, that is our problem. We will change it, and adjust it as many times as we need, untill we are satisfied with the result. But if you want to see two different designs at once, you must realize, that you will be buying two works, and you will be paying for both; and it does not matter, that you will throw one of them away. Why would you need that? Of course, if you do - no problem!.

Sometimes we tend to be optimistic about time and terms. We try to fight it, but still delays sometimes happen. When we say the job will be done in a week, we try to complete it in three days, but it also may take ten days, so please try to be patient and understanding.

In conclusion
Now that we have cleared almost everything, gathered it all together, texts for the website, pictures, we have the website template, we can see no reasons (except for the natural cataclysm), you can not get your project on time, or even sooner.