Business site for czech company "Krykore"
"Krykore" is a company specializing in laying and tiling and operating in the Czech market. The head of the company turned to us for the development of it's first internet representation.
Preparing for work
The development of the site of the "Krykore" company took place in a short time, but the quality and effectiveness of its work did not go away. The market for repair services in the Czech Republic is quite saturated, so the site we developed had to qualitatively distinguish the customer from all competitors.
Website development on the Django framework
Lightweight and bright style was chosen during the development of the design to make users first of all pay attention to the services provided by the company. For convenient work with orders, special attention was paid to the administrative part of the site, because the site at Django allows you to customize the functionality for the needs of each project separately.
Final preparation before launch
Analytics connectivity from Google Analytics has become the final stage before the site's release.
This project is a good example of how a fast created site on the Django framework has become an ideal tool for competition in the service market.